A Very Sad Day :(

Hello everyone, I have had a very emotional week!!!!       So right when I was writing  my last entry my grandmother Nini came over to visit us. So I finished my post and we had a lot of fun for the rest of the night. She decided to stay that night and we had fun. We watched Guardians of the galaxy and that was a surprisingly really good movie! So the next morning because I was sleeping on the couch the little kids woke me up at about 7:00 or 7:30 in the morning! That is the only day that I really get to sleep in. So I finally decided to get up at about 9:00 and I went outside to check on our dog Angel because she seemed like she was going to have the puppies soon the day before. Well I looked around for her and I couldn't find her and I called for quite a while until she finally got up and came to me. I saw that she was dirty on her lower back which is usually a sign of delivery so I went in the direction that she had just come from which was in our woodshed in the very back were it is very muddy and sure enough there were the puppies all 9 of them in a pile and they all look like German shepherd. So I took the goats out of there pen and moved them to somewhere else and then I took the puppies and Angel and moved them in there. Well I had a good rest of the day that night for movie night we watched the Secret life of pets. The next day was also good and I woke up very late and that afternoon I worked very hard on my jurisdiction which is the kitchen. We ate dinner and then the kids went to bed and I watched Money pit. The next morning I got up and went to take care of Angel like i'm supposed to in the morning and at night but that morning when I fed her and went to check on the puppies on of them was by itself and not really moving and it was cold. So I took it and brought it in the house because I knew that those weren't good signs so mom made him some sugar water and he drank some of it and we were trying to get him warm and so t.m.i. but the only way that I could really get him warm was to on my chest in my shirt and I sat like that on my bed for probably 2 hours and we fed him some milk every one in a while and he was starting to improve and I named him Miracle he was my little baby and he was starting to move and he went pee and poop for the first time since I brought him in and I wanted to find a place to keep him safe so I wouldn't have to care him around so I put him in one of my drawers and he like was stiff for a few seconds and then he was normal again . And by this time he was starting to make a little bit of noise sometimes. then I picked him back up and put him back in my shirt because he seemed cold again and I was reading and sitting on my bed and he made this little cry and moved a little and a couple of minutes later he stopped moving and I just thought he was doing that stiff thing again so a few minutes later I took him out and looked at him and he was gone he had died!!!! I cried for a long time because I had come to really like that puppy and I thought it was going to live.   My dad buried it somewhere. But I was sad and gloomy all day yesterday. And it still pains me to write about it but you have to look at it this way there are good things about a farm and sad things about a farm. And that is all I have to write.

Ps: I do not write on Saturday and Sunday.

   Until next time.......


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Sorry i'm so late !!!