Hello to all of my readers I hope that you've had a good day today. I have had a good day. Let me catch you up on everything. So we will start from the time I wrote to you yesterday in the late afternoon after I wrote you I made everyone a ice cream snack. And not just any ordinary ice cream but the one the only Braum's Ice cream it is delicious. Then after that I went outside and took some pictures of our goats and chickens. I had to take pictures of our goats because sadly my parents are going to sell them. The reason why is because my mother was pregnant and she was the main one that took care of them and when she got pregnant it was really hard for my dad to do it because he has a really hard job. The goats at this time are not producing us anything and they're costing us a lot of money in feed and housing. We got them to feed us in meat and in milk but they're not providing us with either of those things. So sadly the time has come to say goodbye to our beloved piece of the farm that we've had for over three years. But Lord willing if all goes well after they are sold when I get enough money I would like to get at least twenty baby chicks for me to start an egg business. So back to what I was talking about. After I got the pictures I made dinner and we ate then we had family time then we went to bed. So now starting today I set my alarm clock for 8:00 this morning and woke up at 9:00. Do you ever feel like your eyelids just take over your whole body in the morning? Because that almost always happens to me!! And it gets really annoying because I usually get in trouble for sleeping in and not only that i'm also mad at myself because I have things I need to get done in the morning. So after I got up I ate my breakfast did school fed chickens did more school and while I did more school I held my baby brother Andrew and he is very very heavy. when he came out his birth weight was over ten pounds so anyways while I was holding him I had my legs crossed on a chair and I had just worked very hard to get him asleep but my foot was falling asleep and if I moved it than I would wake the baby up so I just kept on holding him until my mother was able to come take him so finally she came and took him and when she did I lifted my foot up and looked at it and guess what it was almost white and there was no feeling in it at all so I put it on the ground and it just felt like a piece of rubber. But after a while slowly and painfully it came back. So after that I ate lunch and finished school and then I went and made bread (if anyone wants my recipe for homemade bread then just say so in the comments down below) and after I made bread I cleaned the kitchen and then I took a shower and now i'm writing to you. So that has been my day I will try to show you pictures of our animals soon. But now I have to go make dinner. I hope everyone enjoys to read my posts.
Until next time......
Until next time......
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